Seller's Guide

Telling your home's story

Our Marketing Plan

We do more from For Sale to Sold. We personally invest more money into our listings than our competition, which means a quicker sale and a higher price. Our marketing plan is the product of ten years of listing experience and painstaking research of what really matters to homebuyers and how to best execute it.


Step 1

Pricing Analysis

Correctly pricing your home leads to fewer days on the market, less disruption to your life, and the maximum price.

Each new listing creates a buzz in the local real estate community and the right price will attract more buyers to your home.  When a home is priced in line with recent sales data, interested buyers recognize its value and submit offers near the list price.

To recommend the right list price, we pore over the recent sales and present you with a customized Comparative Market Analysis (not a standardized report generated from the MLS) that considers the nuances of neighborhoods, streets, and homes. We review the information with you and, together, we decide the most effective list price.


Step 2

Make It Shine

Whether you’re moving out of your first starter home or the home you raised your children, there are certain steps you can take to best prepare your property to sell. Prepping a house is an investment—both in time and money. You must consider everything from minor repairs to aesthetic design and www. It’s well worth the time and effort it takes to address every corner of your home.

We’ll put together a staging recommendations report, which includes specific strategies to help you get your home ready for the market. We’re confident you will be rewarded with a sparkling, sellable home.

A few general tips include:

  • Replace burnt out light bulbs.
  • Patch holes.
  • Repaint and touch up trim. (Neutral colors have a broad appeal.)
  • Maximize the space of your home by rearranging or removing furniture to give your layout better flow.
  • Deep clean home for listing and continually tidy for every showing.
  • See more tips in our full listing booklet.

Step 3

Architectural Photography

One of the best ways to differentiate your home from the rest of the market is superior photography. Knowing the vast majority of buyers search for homes online, we heavily invest in the photographs of our listings in order to showcase your home in the best possible light. We hire a professional, architectural photographer to deliver high-end photos and drone photography at our expense – and we’ve found it’s worth every penny!

See for yourself: These photos are of the same room – but the right photographer makes all the difference. In the photos on the left (from another agent), the rooms are dark and look old or dingy. Our photographer highlights the architecture, takes advantage of natural lighting, and brings life into each shot.

Step 4

Professional Video

If appropriate and applicable to your property, a custom created video can showcase your home in a unique and creative way to give buyers the feeling of actually being in the home. Brick & Corbett has an exclusive contract with the best, most creative videographer in the area to ensure only our clients’ listings benefit from his unparalleled video packages.


Step 5

Floor Plans

We measure and draw the footprint of your home and pass it off to our design team to create professional floor plans. The floor plans are included in all marketing materials, including the property website, brochures, and MLS. It gives buyers an opportunity to reference a home’s layout and also more easily identify renovation potential of a home (e.g., “we could remove this wall and it would be perfect.”) This is a very rare offering in Northern Michigan’s real estate market.

  • Over 1/3 of buyers said they were LESS likely to inquire about a property without a floor plan.
  • 1 in 5 buyers would ignore a listing that does not include real estate floor plans.
  • Adding a real estate floor plan to a property listing can increase click-throughs from buyers by 52%.

Step 6

Virtual 3D Tours

The latest technology lets sellers provide buyers with an interactive online experience that’s more immersive than pictures alone. With new virtual 3D tours, buyers can digitally tour your home before stepping foot inside. Think of it like Street View on Google Maps, but inside your home!

Architectural photography and custom property videos are important pieces of a home listing, but a virtual 3D tour gives the buyer control to take a look at a home on their terms.


Step 7

Custom Property Website

We construct a customized website for your home that provides another opportunity to create a premium brand around your home and a buyer experience that they associate with your property. We include the URL on all our advertising.

In addition to giving buyers easy access to the high-end photos, floor plans, and relevant information, the website also provides us and others we send it to the ability to easily share the listing across social media, email, etc., thus enhancing exposure of the property.


Step 8

Preview + Brokers Open House

We’ve found it advantageous to introduce our listings to the market with an evening party at the home prior to the listing going online. We coordinate and pay for everything, inviting potential buyers, other agents, and a select group of well-connected people within the community who will be promoters of the new listing. These parties create interest, show how your property entertains, and give active buyers a feeling of an exclusive, pre-market opportunity to view the home.


Step 9

Social Media

Social media is how a lot of people receive their most vital information, including news and real estate – but don’t just take our word for it. 74% of consumers rely on social media to making buying decisions, and nearly all buyers (99% of millennials to 90% of boomers) begin their home search online.

We believe an aggressive social media strategy for our listings is hugely important. We promote our listings on our social media outlets, including Facebook and Instagram.


Step 10

eCard & Mailer

In order to generate interest near the go-live date, we send out an eCard to our personal and professional networks (including other local agents, buyers and residents in your area), and we mail professionally developed “Just Listed” postcards to your neighborhood and surrounding areas.


Step 11

Custom Marketing Materials

Although we focus a lot of our efforts on online presentation and advertising, the showing brochures and other marketing materials that buyers hold in their hands or see as they walk through the property greatly impacts the buyer’s impression of the home.

We hire an outside marketing firm to design and execute our marketing materials to ensure our print materials are unlike any other agents in the business. Whatever is exceptional about your property, we will make sure it’s communicated to the buyer in an intriguing way.


Step 12

Maximizing Online Advertising

More than 90% of homebuyers start their search online, so maximizing online exposure is key to our marketing strategy. We first distribute the listing to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) as it is the primary information source for all buyers’ agents and ultimately feeds the consumer websites, such as, Trulia, and Zillow.

Brick & Corbett personally invests to be a Premier Agent on Zillow, giving our listings prominent advertising placement and an advantage to our sellers. Also, RE/MAX’s website ( is one of the most popular branded websites in the country.


Step 13

Open Houses

We host open houses throughout the life of the listing as it promotes foot traffic and generates buzz about your property. Typically held on Sunday afternoons, open houses can reduce the disruption to a seller’s life caused by multiple showings at often inconvenient times because an open house encourages buyers to visit the property in one set time window.

To advertise our open houses, we use social media, the MLS, and all the major consumer websites – and we place numerous physical signs in strategic locations around your house (as indicated by the red flags in the photo to the right) to drive foot traffic to open houses.

A cozy living room with two gray-colored couches facing a fireplace.

Step 14


Inspiring showings is the goal for a lot of the above marketing efforts. It’s the time that buyers have a chance to really get a feel for the home and picture themselves living in it.

We attend all second showings to call the buyer’s attention to certain details and immediately address any objections or questions the buyer may have. We also strive to make the scheduling of showings as stress-free as possible, communicating through your preferred method. We can also block certain time windows that will not work for your family’s schedule.

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